Superintendents: Rodney Mann, Brad Johnson, Jonathan Proeschel, Cassi Harris
Open Mule & Donkey Show
Saturday, July 27, 2024 9 am
Bullen Equestrian Center
Office opens at 8:15 am
Entries and Premiums
Office Fee - $5 per animal (one time fee per animal)Halter & Performance Classes $5 per entry
- No Refund -
Payouts - $12, $9, $6 and $3 If less than 5 entries in the arena, then payouts are $6, $4, $3, and $2
Larger classes will be subject to split
- Miniature - Under 36”, Standard - 36” to 52”, Mammoth - Over 52”
All ages as of January 1, 2024
Dress Code is Judge’s DecisionAll Judges Decisions are Final
For additional information, please call the fairgrounds office 937-456-3748.
1. Foals - Miniature, Standard, Mammoth, 20222. Mule Foal, 20223. Yearling - Miniature, Standard, Mammoth4. Mule Yearling5. Miniature Donkey, Jennet - 2 yrs. & older6. Miniature Donkey, Gelding - 2 yrs. & older7. Standard Donkey, Jennet - 2 yrs. & older8. Standard Donkey, Gelding - 2 yrs. & older9. Mammoth Donkey, Jennet—2 yrs. & older10. Mammoth Donkey, Gelding - 2 yrs. & older11. Miniature Donkey, Jack - 2 yrs. & older12. Standard Donkey, Jack - 2 yrs. & older13. Mammoth Donkey, Jack - 2 yrs. & older14. Pee Wee Showmanship (under 5)*15. Youth Showmanship (6 to 13 ) *16. Youth Showmanship (14 to 18) *17. Molly Mule - 2 yrs. & older18. Horse Mule, 2 yrs. & older19. Saddle Type Mule - Mare 2 yrs. & older20. Saddle Type Mule - Horse 2 yrs. & older21. Draft Type Mule - 2 yrs. & older22. Color Class, Mule or Donkey – Most colorful23. Best Matched Pair of Mules24. Best Matched Pair of Donkeys25. Champion Jennet26. Champion Gelding27. Champion Jack28. Champion Mule
29. Mule under Saddle (under 52”)30. Mule under Saddle (over 52”)31. Lead Line Mule or Donkey32. Single Mule to Cart33. Youth Western Pleasure Mule - 13 & under34. Youth Western Pleasure Mule - 14 to 1835. Single Donkey to Cart36. Donkey Driving Obstacle Course37. Mule Driving Obstacle Course38. Trail Class - Youth39. Trail Class - Adult40. Western Pleasure Mule (Adult)41. English Pleasure42. Jack Benny Pleasure (19 and over)43. Walk/Trot, Pleasure Mule44. Walk/Trot, Pleasure Donkey45. Team of Mules & Draft Mules to Wagon46. Team of Donkeys to Wagon47. Coon Hunters Special48. Dinner Bell Race49. Costume Class
*No entry fee
The Preble County Agricultural Society, Sr. Fair Board, and Preble County Commissioners are not responsible for persons, animals, equipment, or accidents on grounds.
thank you to our sponsors
2023 Sponsors
- Rumpke
- Steve Rumpke
2024 Sponsors
- MedShip
- Rumpke