Entry Deadline
July 20, 2024
Check in
Saturday, July 27, 2024
8:30 am - noon
Closed Judging
Saturday, July 27, 2024, 12:30 pm
Pie and Cake Auction
Saturday, July 27, 2024, 7:00 pm
Items Released
Saturday, August 3, 20243:00 pm
Exhibits will be in the Expo Expansion
Entry Fees
PCAS Membership Pass ($25) or Weekly Pass ($25) and a $0.50 entry fee per item entered.
Premiums will be mailed approximately 3 weeks after the fair.
Premiums will not be available for pick up.Premium amounts shown below.
Rules and Regulations
- Any exhibitor removing his exhibit before release time will not be permitted to make entries of any kind the following year.
- All grains and fruits competing for a premium must be raised by exhibitor.
- No duplicate entries permitted.
- The judge shall decided the eligibility of any entry in its class. Entries not classed correctly will be disqualified.
- Exhibits must be displayed on a paper plate, with the entry tag tied to or taped on the plate or entry.
- Entries should be correctly named as to variety.
- All fruit and vegetables will be judged on soundness, finish and uniformity.
- Best of Show will be awarded in certain sections within each department. They will not receive any additional premium money.
Elected Official Dessert Competition
Any current or past elected public official may participate. All entries to be sold in the Pie and Cake Auction Fundraiser.
Pie and Cake Auction
- The first through third place winners of class 38 and 41 will be asked to sell their entry at auction. All others can be placed on $10 table to be sold and proceeds donated.
- The exhibitor may mark the entry ticket “yes” or “no” to indicate if they wish the item to be sold.
- The exhibitor may show winning entries at the auction, but it is not mandatory.
- Proceeds from the auction will be 50% to the exhibitor and 50% to the fair, to be used for improvements of the Farm and Provisions Department.
- After the judging is completed, one slice of each cake and pie will be retained for display.
- The remainder of the pies and cakes not in the auction may be picked up after the auction.
Class 1 to 38 Premiums: 1st - $2.50, 2nd - $2.00, 3rd - $1.50, 4th - $1.00
1 - Grain Grown
- 10 Ears Early Corn
- 10 Ears Mid-season Corn
- 10 Ears Popcorn
- Quart Shelled Corn
- Quart Wheat
- Quart Oats
- Quart Soybeans
- Largest Sunflower Head
- Tallest Stalk - Sunflower
- Most Perfect Ear of Corn
- Best 5 Ears of Indian Corn
- Single Soybean Plant bearing the greatest number of naturally attached pods
- Longest Ear of Corn
- Tallest Stalk of Corn
2 - Hay
- Exhibitors are limited to one entry per class for each farm owned or rented.
- Show samples must be selected from this year’s hay crop.
- Entries should consist of 3 flakes from bale.
- Exhibitors are responsible for making proper entries.
- Exhibitor shall have entry tag attached to item.
- Hay must be cured and dried.
- Exhibitors must enter a class other than championship class to be eligible for championship classes.
- Alfalfa 90% or more
- Alfalfa 50% to 90%
- Clover 90%
- Clover 50% to 90%
- Light Mixed under 50% legume
Grand Champion Bale - Ribbon Reserve Champion Bale - Ribbon
3 - Potatoes
- 3 potatoes of each variety
- 3 largest potatoes
4 - Sweet Potatoes & Yams
- 3 of each variety
5 - Beets
- 3 of each variety with 2” top
6 - Turnips
- 3 of each variety with 2” top
7 - Radishes
- 3 of each variety with 2” top
8 - Carrots
- 3 of each variety with 2” top
9 - Onions
- 3 of each variety with 2” top
10 - Cabbage
- 1 head, any variety, named
11 - Cauliflower
- 1 head, any variety, named
12 - Beans (in pods)
- 3 per plate, named
13 - Beans (shelled)
- Shelled, 1 pt. glass jar, named
14 - Cucumbers
- 3 of each/any variety
15 - Sweet Corn
- 3 ears of each/any variety
16 - Tomatoes
- 3 of each variety entered
- 3 Largest Tomatoes
- 3 or more varieties (3 of each)
17 - Broccoli
- 1 head, named
18 - Egg Plant
- One each
19 - Peppers
- 3 each, any variety, named
20 - Pumpkins
- 1 each
- Largest
- Smallest
21 - Squash
- 3 of each, named
- Largest Squash, named
22 - Freak of Nature - From the Garden or Field
- Vegetable - Properly named
- Fruit - Properly named
23 - Miscellaneous
- Two Gourds
- Watermelon
- AOV - All other varieties
- Painted Gourd
- Largest Dried Gourd
- AOV vegetable - all other varieties
24 - Apples
- 3 of each/any variety on plate
25 - Pears
- 3 of each/any variety on plate
26 - Other Fruit
- Plate of Peaches - 3 each
- Plate of Plums - 3 each
- Bunch of Grapes
- Bowl of Blackberries
- AOV fruit - all other varieties
27 - Junior Garden Produce (age 12 & under)
Follow Open Class - Have tags tied to plate
- 3 Tomatoes
- 3 Ears of Sweet Corn
- Green Beans (min. of 3 beans) on plate
- 3 Carrots
- 1 Zucchini Squash
- 3 Cucumbers
- 1 Pumpkin
- 2 Gourds
- Shelled Popcorn—1 quart
- Freak of Nature, Properly Named
- Decorated Vegetable
- Decorated Fruit
28 - Eggs - Will be judged based on size, shape & uniformity
- White - 1 dozen
- Brown - 1 dozen
- Natural color - 1 dozen
- Bantam - 1 dozen
29 - Canned Goods
- All canned vegetables or fruits must be in standard canning jars with 2 piece lid.
- All containers must be heat-sealed to be judged.
- All jellies, jams, preserves, and butters must be in standard glass jelly, pint or quart jars.
- Jars may be opened at the discretion of the judge.
- Tomatoes - Whole
- Tomato - Juice
- Green Beans - Cut or Snapped
- Green Beans - Whole
- Beets - Whole
- Beets - Sliced
- Ketchup
- Chili Sauce
- Salsa
- Sweet Pickles - Sliced
- Dill Pickles - Sliced
- Mixed Pickles - Sliced
- Watermelon Pickles - Sliced
- Any other Pickles - Whole
- Pickle Relish
- Peaches - Sliced
- Pears - Sliced
- Red Cherries
- Blackberries
- Black Raspberries
- Applesauce
- Grape Jelly
- Apple Jelly
- Mixed Fruit Jelly
- Blackberry Jam
- Raspberry Jam
- Strawberry Jam
- Peach Jam
- Freezer Jam & Jellies
- Apple Butter
- Honey
- Any Other variety, properly named
30 - Homemade Beverages
- Wine
- Beer
31 - Homemade Soap
- 3 bars soap, decorated or plain
32 - Homemade Dry Noodles
- 1 pint
Jr. Open Class Baked Goods (age 12 & under)Premiums: 1st - $2.50, 2nd - $2.00, 3rd - $1.50, 4th - $1.00
- All cakes must be displayed on cardboard not to extend 1” beyond cake or bread with entry tag attached.
- These classes follow the open class rules listed.
- 3 Cookies displayed on a 6” plate with entry tag attached to plate.
- Jr. Classes DO NOT sell at auction.
33 - Cookies - Jr. Open
- Best 3 Oatmeal
- Best 3 Chocolate Chip
- Best 3 Peanut Butter
- Best 3 Chocolate Brownies
34 - Bread - Jr. Open
- 3 Dinner Rolls
- Loaf of White Bread
35 - Cakes - Jr. Open
- White Cake - white icing
- Chocolate Cake - chocolate icing
- Angel Food Cake
- 3 Cupcakes - iced
- Bundt Cake
36 - Decorated - Jr. Open
- 3 Decorated Cutout Cookies
- Decorated Cake, any variety (Refer to Open Class rules)
- 3 Decorated Cupcakes
- 4-H Theme (cookie, cake, or brownies)
Senior OPEN Class Baked Goods (13 & older)
- All baked goods shall be baked from scratch.
- Do not cover baked good with plastic.
- All cakes must be displayed on cardboard or in appropriate disposable pan.
- Scored on flavor, consistency, texture, appearance and flavor of icing.
- One slice for classes 39 & 40 will be retained for display for duration of Fair.
- Entries should be in correct class, the judge shall decide as to the eligibility of any entry in its class.
37 - Breads and Other Baked Goods
Premiums: 1st - $3.00, 2nd - $2.00, 3rd - $1.50, 4th - $1.00
- Bread may be baked in loaf, round, or braided. Bread should be displayed on cardboard, or throw away board. Attach the entry tag to the cardboard.
- Loaf of White Bread
- Loaf of Wheat Bread
- Cornbread - plain, square pan
- Loaf of Potato Bread
- Loaf of Zucchini Bread
- Loaf of Pumpkin Bread
- Loaf of Banana Bread
- Loaf of Coffee Cake (yeast)
- 3 Cinnamon rolls
- 3 Dinner Rolls
- Braided Cinnamon Item
- Raisin Bread
- Sour dough Bread
- Bread using Bread Machine
- Bread with any type of cheese
- Pretzels - plate of 3
- Any other not mentioned, properly marked
38 - Cakes (Displayed on Cardboard)
Premiums: 1st - $3.50, 2nd - $3.00, 3rd - $2.50, 4th - $1.25
- Applesauce Cake - any frosting
- Angel Food, not iced
- Banana Cake - any frosting
- Carrot Cake - any frosting
- Plain Cheese Cake
- Cheese Cake - any other
- Chiffon Cake - not iced
- Chocolate Cake - any frosting
- Red Velvet Cake - frosted
- German Chocolate - coconut frosting
- Jelly Roll
- Pineapple Upside Down Cake
- White Cake - any icing
- Coffee Cake (no yeast)
- Italian Cream Cake
- Orange Slice Cake
- Apple Cake
- Pound Cake
- Any other, properly named
- “Good Times” - alcohol included
- Cake Balls - 5 to a plate
39 - Decorated Cakes - Amateur
Premiums: 1st - $3.50, 2nd - $3.00, 3rd - $2.50, 4th - $1.25
- A cake center piece (base) such as Styrofoam, as well as the regular cake base will be permitted.
- All decorations used must be edible (except on doll cake).
- Judged on appearance, originality, and workmanship.
- Cakes in these classes DO NOT SELL at the auction.
- Birthday Cake
- Doll Cake (doll permitted)
- Christmas Cake
- Easter Cake
- Cutout Cake
- Wedding Cake
- Any Other Holiday Cake, properly named
- Decorated Cake Balls
- Decorated Cup Cakes
- 4-H Themed Cake
40 - Decorated Cakes - ProfessionalPremiums: 1st - $3.50, 2nd - $3.00, 3rd - $2.50, 4th - $1.25
- A cake center piece (base) such as Styrofoam as well as the regular cake base will be permitted.
- All decorations used must be edible (except on doll cake).
- Judged on appearance, originality, and workmanship.
- Cakes in these classes DO NOT SELL at the auction.
- Birthday Cake
- Doll Cake (doll permitted)
- Christmas Cake
- Easter Cake
- Cutout Cake
- Wedding Cake
- Any Other Holiday Cake, properly named
- Decorated Cake Balls
- Decorated Cup Cakes
- 4-H Themed Cake
41 - Pies (placed on 9” aluminum pie plate - NO glass containers)Premiums: 1st - $3.00, 2nd - $2.00, 3rd - $1.50, 4th - $1.00
- Two Crust Cherry Pie
- Two Crust Apple Pie
- Two Crust Peach Pie
- Two Crust Blackberry Pie
- Pecan Pie
- Pumpkin Pie
- Chocolate Pie
- Butterscotch Pie
- Lemon Pie
- Sugar Cream Pie
- Peanut Butter Pie
- Coconut Cream Pie
- Apple Crumb Pie
- Any other Berry Pie, properly named
- Any other Pie not mentioned
- Any other Pastry not mentioned
42 - Cookies (3 cookies displayed on a 6” pie plate, entry tag attached to plate)Premiums: 1st - $3.00, 2nd - $2.00, 3rd - $1.50, 4th - $1.00
- Peanut Butter Cookies
- Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Oatmeal Cookies
- Sugar Cookies
- Refrigerator Cookies
- Display of Cookies (12 Cookies representing 4 kinds - 1st - $5, 2nd - $3, 3rd - $2, 4th - $1 & Rosette)
- Diabetic Cookies
- Mexican Wedding Cake Cookies
- M & M Cookies
- No Bake Cookies
- Any other not mentioned
- Brownies
43 - Homemade Candy (3 large pieces on 6” plate)Premiums: 1st - $3.00, 2nd - $2.00, 3rd - $1.50, 4th - $1.00
- Chocolate Fudge
- Chocolate Nut Fudge
- Divinity
- Caramels
- Bourbon Balls
- Peanut Brittle
- Buckeyes
- Mints (any kind)
- Peanut Butter Fudge
- Molded or Decorated Candy
- Any other not mentioned, properly named
Preble County Agricultural Society, Fair Board and the Preble County Commissioners are not responsible for persons, animals, equipment or accidents on grounds.
thank you to our sponsors
2023 Sponsors
- Sponsor
2024 Sponsors
- Flaig Lumber
- Medship