Superintendents: Brad Johnson, Cassi Harris, Wade Whitesell
Market Animal Weigh In and Breeding Animal Check In
Friday, July 26, 8 pm
Open Class Weigh In
Sunday, July 28, 9 am - 11 am
Weigh In for Drive In Steers Only
Sunday, July 28, 5 pm - 6 pm
Open Class Jackpot Showmanship
Sunday, July 28, 10 amOpen Class Breeding Beef Show
Sunday, July 28, 1pm
Open Class Feeder Calf Show
Following Breeding Show
Pee Wee Beef Show
Sunday, July 28, 6 pmOpen Class Market Beef Show
Sunday, July 28, 7 pm
Market Beef Carcass Show
Wednesday, July 31, 7 pm
All Beef shows wil be in the Expo Building
- No online entries accepted.
- Jr Fair exhibitors register at weigh-in/check-in on Friday.
- Non Jr Fair exhibitors register on Sunday, day of the show, from 9:00 am until 11:00 am.
- Drive In Steers Only Weigh In Sunday, day of the show, 5 pm - 6 pm.
In County entry fee is $10 per headOut of County entry fee is $20 per head
Class premiums will be paid to the top 3 placings in each class.
If there are less than 5 entries in a class, only the top 2 places will be paid.
Champion: $500
Reserve: $400
3rd Overall: $300
4th Overall: $200
5th Overall: $100
*subject to change based on number of entries
Rules and Regulations
- All breed cattle must have registration papers.
- Out of state cattle need health papers.
- No pumping.
- Generator and showing off trailer required for drive-in exhibitors.
Jackpot Showmanship
- $10 per entry
- Sign up in Show Ring during open weigh ins
- To compete for final round, you must put your money back in the pot.
Feeder Calf Rules
- 1. Calves competing in this event must be either steers or heifers. No bulls.
- 2. Calves must be born after January 1 of the current year. Ownership of these animals must be established by June 12.
- 3. Animals are considered feeder calves up to 900 pounds but must be born after January 1 of present year.
- 4. All feeder calves must be brought to the fairgrounds for mandatory identification. Tags will be distributed at this time.
- 5. Exhibitor may enroll 4 calves, and show 4 feeder calves.
- 6. Feeder calves must be divided into beef and dairy beef classes. Final weight class divisions will be determined by the Beef Committee after weigh-in. Steers and heifers will be separated in the feeder calf show.
Open Class Steer and Market Heifer Show
1. All steers and market heifers will show together by weight. 2. Weights will determine show classes.
Pee Wee Show
- 6:00 pm
- Children 5-8
- Furnish own calf
Market Beef Carcass Show
Sponsored By Lohrey Farms / Agri-Gold Mark Law
In loving memory of Terry Lohrey
Special Thanks to Dorenda Lohrey
WASH - BLOW - SHOWNo fitting permitted
- All steers and heifers will be shown by weight.
- All breeding heifers will weigh in on Sunday, and be shown as market on Wednesday only.
- Enter this show at open entry time, no charge
Jackpot Showmanship
- 8, 9 10 years old
- 11 & 12 years old
- 13 & 14 years old
- 15 & 16 years old
- 17 and older
Beef Breeding
Breed Divisions
- Angus
- Hereford
- Maine Anjou 3/4 or Higher
- Shorthorn
- Shorthorn Plus
- Simmental
- Miniature
- All Other Breeds
- Crossbred
Breeding Show Class Breaks
1. Early Jr Heifer Calf born between Jan 1 - Feb 28, current year2. Late Jr Heifer Calf born between Mar 1 - April 30, current year3. Heifer Calf born between Sept 1 - Dec 31, previous year4. Early Yearling Heifer born between May 1 - Aug 31, previous year5. Late Yearling Heifer born between Jan 1 - April 30, previous year6. Sr Yearling Heifer born between Sept 1 - Dec 31, 2 years previous7. Cow/Any age8. Cow Calf born after Jan 1, current year
Feeder Heifers
Feeder Steers
Pee Wee Class
Market Steer Show
Preble County Agricultural Society, Fair Board and the Preble County Commissioners are not responsible for persons, animals, equipment or accidents on grounds.
Thank you to our 2023 Rate of Gain SponsorsJ T Moreland Farms, Roger Voge & Family and Leedy Farms
Thanks again to Somers Super Beef 4-H Club for helping to get the barn ready!Thanks to Dixon Township Swine 4-H Club for the carpet!Thanks to Preble Shawnee FFA for use of the scale for weigh ins!
thank you to our sponsors
2023 Sponsors
- Austin & Lindsey Cole & Family
- Brady Creech & Family
- Burnside Enterprises
- C Harris Trucking
- Hemp Farms/Trucking
- John Stewart
- MedShip
- JT Moreland Farms
- KJ3 Enterprises Inc.
- Korrect Plumbing
- Leedy Farms
- Randy Blaich
- Riegel Feed & Grain
- Rowe Nutrition LLC
- Somers Super Beef 4-H Club
2024 Sponsors
- Bar D Therapy
- Bare Naked Tanning
- Barnes Butcher Shop
- Beoddy Oil Company
- Blaich Family Farms
- Burnside Enterprises
- Eaton Hometowne Furniture
- Flaig Lumber
- Fred Voge Livestock
- Hamilton Family McDonalds
- Hemp Farms
- Heritage Point Financial Group
- Kenneth Pierce
- KC Cole Family
- Littrell Quality Door Company
- MedShip
- Merchants Bank of Indiana
- Morgan Dare
- Oldcree Farms
- RC Show Cattle
- RD Show Cattle
- Riegel Feed and Grain Inc.
- Riley and Amy Littrell
- Ronny Rutan
- Rustic Rose Farm
- Rowe Home Improvement
- The John Murray Group
- The Twin Valley Bank