Article 1 This Society shall be known as “Preble County Agricultural Society.”
Article 2 The object of this Society shall be the improvement of agriculture, horticulture, domestic animals, domestic manufactures, and the mechanical and fine arts.
Article 3 Any resident of this county who has attained the age of 18 years may become a member of this Society by the payment of annual fees, in the amount set by the Board of Directors, to the Treasurer of the Society, for which he or she shall receive a membership ticket.
Article 4 The business of the Society shall be managed by the Board of Directors, which shall consist of thirteen members including a resident of each township of the county, except Washington, which shall be represented by two directors, one a resident of the City of Eaton, the other a resident of the township outside the City of Eaton. The terms of office of the directors shall be three years, a certain number of who shall be elected annually. Directors’ terms shall begin on November 1, and end on October 31 of the three-year term. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum to transact business; removal of the township in which the member was elected creates a vacancy in membership of the Board to be filled as provided for the Constitution. Candidates for members of the Board must be members of the Society.
Article 5 The annual election of Directors shall be between the hours of 12 noon and 8 pm on Friday of Fair week. The Board shall elect three judges who are bona fide members of the Society; also, two clerks. No one who is a candidate shall serve either as a judge or clerk. Members of the Society must declare their candidacy for office of Director of the Society by filing with the Secretary of the Society, a petition signed by 10 or more members of the Society who are residents of the County (District) in which the Society is organized by 6 pm on the seventh day before the annual election of Directors is held. Said written request shall be accompanied by a membership ticket or the fee to purchase such ticket. The Secretary shall place the names of all candidates on one ticket and cause the ballots to be printed, and persons at said election shall mark an “X” in front of each name he desires to vote for as member of the Board. All ballots marked for more persons than there are members to be elected for or for more than one person from any one township, shall not be counted. All tie votes shall be decided by lot by the judges of said election. Only official ballots shall be counted. The judges and clerks shall each receive payment as set by the Board of Directors for their services. Only regularly nominated candidates who have met the filing requirements will be eligible for election as Director.
Article 6 The Board of Directors shall reorganize for the year beginning November 1st at its regular meeting. Newly elected Directors shall qualify by taking the oath of or affirmation from a notary public, judge, or Mayor. Following this, the Board of Directors shall elect a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer whose term of office shall be one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. Only members of the Board can be elected to the office of President and Vice-President, and any other member of the Society shall be eligible to hold the office of Secretary and Treasurer.
Article 7 It shall be the duty of the President to preside at the meetings of the Board and to act as a Delegate to the Annual State convention. He shall appoint all committees for whatever purpose that might be selected and countersign all orders for the disbursement of funds.
Article 8 It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to preside at all the meetings of the Board in the absence of the President, and to perform such other duties as may be required of him.
Article 9 It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an accurate record of all proceedings of the Society and Board of Directors, and to notify the members of the time and place of special meetings.
Article 10 It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to keep an accurate account of all monies and pay it out under the direction of the Board of Directors or by order of the Secretary, countersigned by the president, and make a report of receipts and disbursements at the first meetings in December of each year.
Article 11 The Board of Directors may enact such Rules and Regulations from time to time as it may consider proper for the benefit of the Society.
Article 12 All competitors for premiums must be members of the Society or holders of an exhibitor’s ticket, except Preble County 4-H and FFA members exhibiting only Junior Fair projects.
Article 13 The Society may amend the constitution of the Society by the vote of a majority of the membership which votes at the annual election of the Board of Directors. Amendments may be proposed by: 1) a majority of the Board of Directors at a scheduled meeting voting in favor of placing an amendment on the ballot, or 2) a petition filed with the Secretary of the Society at least 14 days prior to the annual elections of Directors. Any petition shall set forth the proposed amendment and have the signatures and addresses of not less than 25 members of the Society.
Article 14 Each Board member shall be entitled to receive compensation in such amount as established by the Board, plus mileage from the Director’s residence to the meeting place of the Board of Directors and return for Board meetings attended each calendar year at the rates and within the limitations established by the Board from time to time provided, however, that no amount for compensation and mileage reimbursement shall ever be paid in excess of the maximum amount permissible under the laws of the State of Ohio and/or Regulations promulgated by the Director of Agriculture of the State of Ohio. The Board may pay the actual expenses of any Director incurred in attending the annual state convention of Agricultural Societies, the annual convention of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions, district or regional meetings of either organization or at meetings or dinners of related organizations (such as 4-H and Junior Fair Board) or groups with whom the Society does business, or who participates or whose participation is sought in the Fair (e.g. ride companies, advertising agencies, floral groups, horsemen, etc.). The Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Secretary, Fair Manager, Assistant Fair Manager, and Superintendent of Grounds shall receive such compensation, including mileage expenses and reimbursement of other expenses, as the Board establishes from time to time. The Board may, in accordance with Regulations promulgated by the Director of Agriculture of the State of Ohio, purchase meals for or compensate for meals purchased by Directors and Officers of the Society during the week of Fair and at Board meeting and while attending to business of the Society, and may also purchase meals for or compensate for meals purchased by such other persons designated by the Board at a regular meeting. Such designation may be class without naming individual names (e.g. Judge of the Horse Show or Junior Fair Board members).
Article 15 The Treasurer and Secretary shall post a surety bond in the amount set by the Board of Directors payable to the Society, conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties of his or her office.
Article 16 The Board of Directors shall fix the dates for the annual Fair of the Society, subject to the approval of the Ohio Director of Agriculture.
- Article 17 Any payments for mileage expenses, reimbursements of expenses advances, purchase of or compensation for the meals paid by the Society, may be forgiven by two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors present and voting at any regular meeting of the Board, even though those payments may have been made outside of the authority of the Constitution in effect at the time such payments were made, provided such payments are permissible under the Constitution of the Society as it stands at the time any such resolution of forgiveness is adopted by the Board, and further provided such payments do not violate any of the Regulations promulgated by the Director of Agriculture of the State of Ohio.